COMELA 2020 - Conference on Mediterranean and European Linguistic Anthropology 2020 The American University of Greece, Athens
Abstract Submissions – The Second and Final Call for Abstracts is now open, at the following link, with all information.
Keynote and Plenary Speakers
– Jan Blommaert – Tilburg University
– Alexandra Georgakopoulou – King’s College London
– Dimitris Dalakoglou – Vrije University
Location – American University of Greece, Athens, Greece
Date – September 2-5,2020
Theme – The COMELA 2020 theme, “Bounded Languages… Unbounded”, encapsulates an ongoing struggle throughout Mediterranean and European regions. The tension between demarcation and legitimization of languages, language ideologies, and language identities, is entering an era where new modes of interactivity require language communities with roles superordinate to the past. Flexible citizenship now operates within, and not only across, language communities, to unbind languages, yet to create new boundaries not seen throughout history. The COMELA 2020 invites work on the shifting boundedness of Language Communities of The Mediterranean and Europe. Submissions should acknowledge and describe processes of language shape, change, and ideology, pertinent to social, cultural, and political histories and futures, of Mediterranean and European regions, or work by those working in Mediterranean and European regions.
Abstract submissions
The Call for Abstracts deadline is on April 1, 2020, at, which contains all information
Publications – Several special (Top Tier/ Scopus/ ISI/ ACHI/ SSCI) journal issues and monographs are planned with well ranked publications and publishers only, from papers submitted to The COMELA 2020 that meet review requirements. Ample assistance is provided to revise papers.
Anthropological Excursion – Attica, Greece (final day)
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